12 Printable Grocery (Shopping) List Templates – Free

Whether you are a busy professional or a busy parent, grocery shopping can be a tedious and time-consuming task. However, a well-planned list can help make the experience more efficient and even enjoyable. In this article, we will explore the benefits of creating a grocery list and guide you on how to make an effective one that saves you time and money.

A grocery list is a written or digital list of items that a shopper intends to buy from a grocery store or a supermarket.

It typically includes food and household items that a person or family needs for daily use or a specific event or occasion. They can be handwritten, typed, or created using various mobile apps or software programs. They serve as an essential tool for helping shoppers stay organized, save time, and avoid forgetting essential items while shopping. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using one and provide some tips for creating an effective and efficient one.

Why Use a Grocery (Shopping) List?

The benefits of using a list when shopping for groceries cannot be overemphasized. The following are the advantages of using one:

Helps you save money

The top benefit of using a shopping list is that it helps you save money. You are less likely to make unplanned purchases when you are one. 


Some planning will save you time while shopping. When you have a list, you can quickly move through the store without having to wander around looking for items. This saves your time and helps you get in and out of the store quickly.

Helps in meal planning

You can plan out your meals for the week or month and make sure you have all the ingredients you need. This can help you save time and money by reducing the need for last-minute trips to the store.

Promotes healthy eating

A shopping list can also help you plan for healthy meals and snacks. By making one healthy food you want to buy, you are more likely to follow your healthy eating plan and avoid purchasing unhealthy items.

Keeps the stress away

A list can also help reduce the stress associated with shopping. You can plan ahead and make sure you have everything you need, rather than having to make multiple trips to the store.

Environmentally friendly

Another benefit of using a list is that it minimizes waste. You will only get the items you need if you follow it. As a result, your kitchen cabinet and refrigerator will not be packed with unnecessary items. Therefore, you can reduce unnecessary food waste by using a shopping list. 


Take an inventory before compiling the main list. Look through your pantry, freezer, and fridge to know what you exactly need. Now, you are ready to make it.

Free Templates: Grocery Lists

Great Customizable Grocery List Template 01 for Word File
Great Customizable Grocery List Template 02 for Word File
Great Customizable Grocery List Template 03 for Word File
Great Customizable Grocery List Template 04 for Word File
Great Customizable Grocery List Template 05 for Word File
weekly grocery list
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 07 for Excel Sheet
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 08 for Excel Sheet
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 09 for Excel Sheet
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 10 for Excel Sheet
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 11 for Excel Sheet
Free Fillable Grocery List Template 12 for Excel Sheet

    What is Included in a Basic Grocery List?

    In this segment, the essential items will be discussed. This gives simple examples of what to include in it:

    Dairy products

    Dairy products should be at the top, and they include:

    • Eggs. Choose organic and free-range
    • Milk (low-fat or whole, depending on the familyโ€™s needs)
    • Cheese such as mozzarella, cream cheese, parmesan, mature cheese, cottage cheese, and soft cheese
    • Yogurt
    • Butter- unsalted and salted
    • Cooking cream and whipping cream

    Fruits and vegetables

    Adding fruits and vegetables is important for several reasons. First and foremost, they are a vital source of essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly.

    Additionally, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, as they are typically low in calories and high in fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer. Finally, by including a variety of fruits and vegetables, you can add more color, flavor, and texture to your meals, making them more enjoyable and satisfying.


    Vegetables can be seasonal, but you can also include frozen items in this section as well. Some basic vegetables includeโ€Œ the following: 

    • Lettuce
    • Spring onion
    • Bell Pepper
    • Tomatoes
    • Carrots
    • Garlic 
    • Green beans
    • Onions
    • Potatoes


    Fruits are essential parts of our diets. We require daily portions of fruits to maintain good health. Purchasing locally grown fruit when it is in season is good advice since it is less expensive.

    Here are some examples of fruits to add to your shopping list:

    • Apples
    • Bananas
    • Watermelon
    • Berries
    • Kiwi
    • Oranges
    • Lemon

    Meat and poultry 

    Look for free-range and organic meat. They are healthier and have fewer adverse effects on the environment:

    • Chicken/ turkey (whole, chicken drumsticks, thighs)
    • Beef
    • Pork- chops, bacon
    • Cured meat
    • Ground meat
    • Fish or your preferred seafood

    Choose lean meat when buying beef. Ground chicken or turkey breast has less fat than ground beef. If you are a vegetarian, then you can buy tofu instead of meat items.

    Pasta, rice, noodles, and bread

    Your shopping list would be incomplete without some grains and bread. Here are some that you should consider:

    • Wholemeal bread, sourdough bread
    • Whole wheat/grain pasta
    • Noodles
    • Rice (brown, white)
    • Whole-grain flour tortillas
    • Tacos
    • Bread bunsโ€”brioche burger buns, hotdog buns
    • Bagels

    Whole grain or wheat produce is healthier.

    Frozen food

    Frozen foods are useful when you are trying to make something quick. In addition, freezing maintains the taste and flavor of fresh and dried foods. Therefore, you can prepare a meal without a grocery trip.

    Some examples of such items include the following: 

    • Frozen fruits such as strawberries and blueberries (fruit mix)
    • Frozen vegetables such as peas, broccoli, carrots, and spinach
    • Frozen shrimp or fish fingers
    • Sausages
    • Oven chips
    • Sofrito mix
    • Yorkshire puddings
    • Frozen yogurt or ice cream

    Condiments, sauces, and oil

    Most of these items are high in sugar and salt. Therefore, choose those with less salt and sugar by carefully reading the labels.

    Some of these items include the following: 

    • Tomato Sauce
    • Barbecue sauce
    • Salsa
    • Hot pepper sauce
    • Mustard
    • Capers and olives
    • Vinegar
    • Extra virgin oil, canola oil, 
    • Non-fat cooking spray
    • Stock cubes
    • Honey
    • Ketchup
    • Jam/ jelly
    • Soy sauce
    • Cooking wine
    • Cooking spice mixes

    Cereals, crackers, and cookies

    Most people prefer cereal for breakfast. Cookies and crackers are also great for a quick snack. Some of the items in this category include the following: 

    • Whole grain cereals (for kids and adults)
    • Oatmeal
    • Cereal bars
    • Crackers
    • Cookies
    • Oatcakes
    • Cheese biscuits

    Nuts, seeds, and dry fruits

    Nuts, seeds, and dry fruits are healthy and contain many nutrients. They can be eaten as snacks or added to meals. Some of the nuts that can be included in the grocery list are the following: 

    • Almonds
    • Walnuts
    • Pecans
    • Cashews
    • Flaxseeds
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Sesame seeds
    • Chia seeds
    • Dried fruits such as cranberries, figs, raisins, apricots, and prunes

    Canned products

    Some items with a long shelf are useful to have in the pantry. They include.

    • Broths
    • Soup
    • Tomatoes
    • Pulses
    • Fruits, seeds, and nuts
    • Fish such as tuna and sardines
    • Baked beans

    Canned and dry products are essential to making healthy meals and snacks. In addition, since they can be bought in bulk, it reduces shopping trips.

    Baking products

    Here are the items for baking:

    • Sugar
    • Vanilla extract
    • Yeast
    • Unsalted butter
    • Flour
    • Baking powder
    • Corn starch
    • Condensed milk
    • Chocolate chips, cocoa powder
    • Food coloring

    Keep flour in the freezer in an airtight container for long-term storage. In order to avoid spoilage, some natural butter needs to be refrigerated after opening.


    Snacks are a great way to get extra nutrients. Some options are: 

    • Crisps
    • Popcorn
    • Fruit popsicles
    • Chocolate bars and gummies

    Herbs and spices

    Herbs and spices are essential in meal preparation. They add a unique flavor and aroma to your meals. Here are some herbs and spices to have in your kitchen:

    • Chili powder
    • Paprika
    • Cinnamon
    • Nutmeg
    • Garlic powder
    • Ginger (powder or paste)
    • Oregano
    • Rosemary
    • Basil
    • Parsley
    • Salt


    Drinks are as important as food. So, it would be best to have some drinks on your list:

    • Sparkling water
    • Orange juice
    • Teas
    •  Coffee
    • Wine
    • Sodas
    • Any fruit juice you prefer
    Diaryโ˜  Eggs- choose organic and free-rangeโ˜ Milk (low-fat or whole, depending on the familyโ€™s needs)โ˜  Cheese- mozzarella, cream cheese, parmesan, mature cheese, cottage cheese, soft cheese  โ˜  Yogurtโ˜  Butter- unsalted and salted
    Fruits and vegetablesโ˜  Lettuceโ˜  Spring onionโ˜  Bell Pepperโ˜  Tomatoesโ˜  Carrotsโ˜  Garlicโ˜  Green beansโ˜  Applesโ˜  Bananasโ˜  Watermelonโ˜  Berriesโ˜  Kiwiโ˜  Orangesโ˜  Lemon
    Meat/ protein
    โ˜ Chicken/ turkey (whole, chicken drumsticks, thighs)โ˜  Beefโ˜  Pork- chops, baconโ˜  Cured meatโ˜  Ground meatโ˜  Fish  or your preferred seafood
    Pasta, rice, noodles, breadโ˜  Wholemeal Bread, sourdough breadโ˜  Whole wheat/grain pastaโ˜  Noodlesโ˜  Rice- (brown, white)โ˜  Whole-grain flour tortillasโ˜  Tacosโ˜  Bread buns- brioche burger buns, hotdog bunsโ˜  Bagels
    Frozen foodโ˜  Frozen fruits such as strawberries and blueberries (fruit mix)โ˜  Frozen vegetables such as peas, broccoli, carrots, spinachโ˜  Frozen yogurt or ice creamโ˜  Frozen shrimp or fish fingersโ˜  Sausagesโ˜  Oven chipsโ˜  Sofrito mixโ˜  Yorkshire puddings
    Condiments, sauces and oilโ˜  Tomato Sauceโ˜  Barbecue sauceโ˜  Salsaโ˜  Hot pepper sauceโ˜  Mustardโ˜  Capers and olivesโ˜  Vinegarโ˜  Extra virgin oil, canola oil,โ˜  Non-fat cooking sprayโ˜  Stock cubesโ˜  Honeyโ˜  Ketchupโ˜  Jam/ jellyโ˜  Soy sauceโ˜  Cooking wineโ˜  Cooking spice mixes
    Cereals, crackers, and cookiesโ˜  Whole grain cereals (for kids and adults)โ˜  Oatmealโ˜  Cereal barsโ˜  Crackersโ˜  Cookiesโ˜  Oatcakesโ˜  Cheese biscuitsโ˜  Custard
    Nuts, seeds, and dry fruitsโ˜  Almondsโ˜  Walnutsโ˜  Pecansโ˜  Cashewsโ˜  Flaxseedsโ˜  Sunflower seedsโ˜  Sesame seedsโ˜  Chia seedsโ˜  Dried fruits such as cranberries, figs, raisins, apricots, and prunesโ˜  Dried mushrooms
    Cans and dry productsโ˜  Brothsโ˜  Soupโ˜  Tomatoesโ˜  Pulsesโ˜  Fruits, seeds, and nutsโ˜  Fish such as tuna, sardinesโ˜  Baked beans
    Baking productsโ˜  Sugarโ˜  Vanilla extractโ˜  Yeastโ˜  Unsalted butterโ˜  Flourโ˜  Baking powderโ˜  Corn starchโ˜  Condensed milkโ˜  Chocolate chips, cocoa powderโ˜  Food coloring
    Snacksโ˜  Crispsโ˜  Chipsโ˜  Popcornโ˜  Fruit popsiclesโ˜  Chocolate bars, gummies
    Herbs and spicesโ˜  Chili powderโ˜  Paprikaโ˜  Cinnamonโ˜  Nutmegโ˜  Garlic powderโ˜  Ginger (powder or paste)โ˜  Oreganoโ˜  Rosemaryโ˜  Basilโ˜  Parsleyโ˜  Salt
    Drinksโ˜  Sparkling waterโ˜  Orange juiceโ˜  Teasโ˜  Coffeeโ˜  Wineโ˜  Sodasโ˜  Any fruit juice you prefer

    Wrapping Up

    Using a grocery list can be described as having an organized plan for buying essential items. It saves time, energy, and money. In addition, it reduces stress and unnecessary purchases, which may lead to waste. Remember to download the free template available on this site to efficiently shop for necessary items while saving money and time. 

    About This Article

    Authored by:
    Certified Microsoft Office Specialist, Design, Template Creation, Form Building
    Maureen Taylor is a recognized authority in the Microsoft Office suite, holding a distinguished certification that underscores her mastery. Based on her in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience, Maureen excels in design, seamlessly crafting visually compelling and functional assets. Her prowess extends to the creation of custom templates tailored to specific needs and the design of interactive forms that streamline data capture. Maureen's meticulous approach, combined with her knack for understanding user requirements, ensures that every project not only meets but often exceeds expectations. For businesses and individuals seeking an expert who can translate their vision into efficient Microsoft Office solutions, Maureen Taylor is the definitive choice.

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