Grant Proposal Cover Letter Sample: Expert Guide (Templates)

A Grant Proposal Cover Letter is a formal document that provides information about a proposed project or mission.

It is submitted to government agencies, foundations, or organizations that provide grants.

The grant proposal cover letter is submitted with the grant proposal or application document. It provides vital information about the project, its background, purpose, and goals. The grant proposal cover letter is used to help persuade the reviewer to provide financial support for the project. The letter can be used by organizations that have written a grant proposal or application document to potential funders.

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    Writing a Grant Proposal Cover Letter

    Organizations writing a grant proposal cover letter must ensure they follow a well-outlined process. The step-by-step process ensures that all elements of the grant proposal letter are included. It also helps ensure that the letter is written in an appropriate format.

    The following is a step-by-step process of how to write a grant proposal cover letter:


    The top of the grant proposal cover letter should include a letter header. The organization’s writer may opt to use a formal header to ensure the letter looks more professional. The information provided in the header will ensure that general information concerning the organization and funder is provided.

    The following information should be contained in a grant proposal cover letter header:

    Add date

    The date indicated in the header of a grant proposal cover letter should be the same as the date stated in the complete grant application. Stating the same date on both documents means they are sent to the guarantor on the same day. It helps create consistency in all the documents.

    Address the funder

    The funder’s name, address, city, state, and zip code should be indicated. The funder’s details provide information on who the letter is for. The funder’s address should appear under the sender’s address. The organization’s writer should confirm the name and address of the funder with a phone call or email the funding body. It will help to ensure the funder’s details have not changed.

    Your company details

    At the top left of the header, the writer’s company name and address should be provided. The writer’s company details will provide the funder with information on which organization is writing the letter.


    Secondly, the organization’s writer must greet the funder with ‘Dear’ and include a recipient’s title such as Mr., Ms., Dr, etc. The salutation should be followed by the funder’s name, which should be punctuated with a comma. The writer can ensure that the right person is being addressed by calling the company or organization meant to receive the letter and confirming the detail.


    Thirdly, the organization’s writer should be introduced in the grant proposal cover letter. The organization’s legal name, which is its corporate name, should be indicated. In addition, the writer should indicate what the organization does and the need for its work.


    Next, the body of the grant proposal cover letter should discuss the project. The information provided in the body will enable the recipient to understand what the organization hopes to accomplish with the grant. The writer should explain what the project is, the purpose it serves, and how it aligns with the funder’s priorities.

    The writer can also add any data obtained that shows why the project is necessary. The amount of money the organization requests and the reason or use for the sum should be provided.

    The following information should also be outlined in the body of the grant proposal cover letter:

    Explain methods, strategies, and solutions

    The writer should provide information on how the organization plans to use the grant and the solutions the fund will offer to a problem. The writer can incorporate a visual representation or graphic model of this information. The methods used to represent the organization’s data should be combined with details to ensure that the grant proposal cover letter has a professional tone. The writer can mention a timeline of when the funder should expect to see results.

    Explain your corporate structure

    The body of the grant proposal cover letter should also contain information on the grant requesting organization’s corporate structure. The writer should indicate that the organization’s internal management structure supports the project. The information on the corporate structure should be brief.

    Highlight your strengths

    The writer should explain why the organization is the best place to execute the project- or mission. Comparison with other organizations can provide clarity on which areas the writer’s organization excels in. The writer may sight the experience of the organization’s staff and volunteers, experience with the problem the project hopes to resolve, or community support for the organization. The names of the other organizations used in the comparison don’t have to be mentioned. The writer’s emphasis should be placed on highlighting the organization’s strengths.


    Finally, the concluding paragraph should summarize the information already stated in the grant proposal cover letter. The writer should also include a thoughtful sentiment of what partnering with the funder would mean to the project’s beneficiaries. An expression of the writer’s appreciation for the funder’s consideration of the grant proposal should be indicated. The writer can also extend an invitation for the funder to visit the organization or its worksite.

    Sign off

    The writer should end the grant proposal cover letter by signing off with an appropriate word or phrase such as ‘Sincerely,’ an ‘awaiting your response’ or ‘With great hope.’ The sign-off word or phrase used should suit the theme or topic of the letter. The executive board of directors, board president, or both should sign the grant proposal cover letter. The sign-off should indicate the signer’s first name, middle initials, last name, and jobs title. The writer should also provide the contact details of an individual who can answer the funder’s questions.

    Note: The word ‘ENCLOSURE’ or ‘ATTACHMENTS’ should be written at the bottom of the grant proposal cover letter. These words help to indicate that the grant proposal is included in the packet. Writing these words in all caps emphasizes the importance of the grant proposal.

    Grant Proposal Cover Letter Template

    [Organization’s Name]

    [Organization’s Address]

    [City, State and Zip Code]


    [Funding organization’s contact Name]

    [Funding Organization’s name]

    [Organization’s Address]

    [City, State and Zip Code]

    Dear {funding organizationโ€™s contact Name],

    [Organization name], which has been around for{number] years, is requesting a grant of ${amount]. The funds will be for an upcoming project, [project title]

    Our organization focuses on [organization’s mission]. The project centers on [purpose of the project]. We target [group set to benefit from the project]. The need for the project is supported by our primary research, which found that [ the problem the project aims to solve]

    The grant fund provided by your organization will enable us to [how the grant will be applied]. The fund will ensure that [ potential positive impacts provided by the funds]. Our [corporate structure] have expressed their enthusiasm for the project. We believe that our connection with [target beneficiaries] places us in the best position to carry out this project.

    We appreciate your consideration. Please feel free to contact [name of organization’s contact] for any questions at [phone number or email].



    [Name of CEO/board chair]



    Sample Letter

    Oracle Literacy Center

    245 Hill Street

    Boston, MA 46479

    May 18th 2020

    Neilson White

    Waves Discovery foundation

    544Main St

    Boston, MA 43578

    Dear Mr. White,

    The Oracle Literacy center, which has been around for 10 years, is requesting a grant of $ 500,000. The funds will be for an upcoming project, Digital Literacy Academy.

    Our organization focuses on bringing literacy to disadvantaged communities in developing countries. The project centers on developing digital skills in Malawi. We target poor, disadvantaged adolescence and children. The need to implement the project is supported by our primary research, which found that less than 4% of the population has digital skills. We understand that your organization aims to increase literacy in developing nations; hence, why we believe that parting with you can help both organizations meet their goals

    The grant provided by your organization will enable us to build a learning facility in the outskirts of the capital. The fund will ensure that poor, underprivileged children pioneer a new digital era in the county to facilitate its development. Our board of directors has expressed their enthusiasm for the project. Our connection with the local people places us in the best position to carry out this project.

    We appreciate your consideration. For any questions, please feel free to contact James Green at 555-555-7788 or



    Mary Winters

    Executive Director and Manager


    Do’s and Don’ts for Writing the Letter

    When writing a grant proposal cover letter, it is important to consider the dos and don’ts.  Understanding the do’s and don’ts of writing a grant proposal cover letter will ensure that the organization captures the funder’s attention. It will also ensure that the letter is effective in communicating information about the organization and the grant.

    The following are the does and don’ts of a grant proposal cover letter:


    Following are the dos for a grant proposal cover letter:

    Be brief

    The grant proposal cover letter should be a quick read for the funder. Therefore, the writer of the letter should ensure that it is only limited to one page. The contents of the cover letter should be focused and to the point. Each paragraph should be limited to only a few sentences to ensure that the letter is short.

    Ask for feedback

    Upon completion of the grant proposal cover letter, the writer should ask a co-worker to read it. The co-worker will help identify any typos in the letter. The reception of positive feedback will be an indication that the writer should send the letter. In addition, asking for feedback will help ensure that the grant proposal cover letter effectively compels the funder to consider the organization’s grant proposal.

    Format the letter carefully

    The writer of the grant proposal cover letter should ensure it is appropriately formatted. A well-formatted grant proposal cover letter ensures that single spacing is applied throughout the letter. There should also be spacing between the organization’s address and the funder’s address. Appropriate spacing should also be applied between paragraphs. If possible, the writer should include a live ink signature. Three blank spaces should be left where writers can indicate a complimentary close and their name for the signature.

    Send the cover letter in PDF

    The grant proposal cover letter should be in PDF if the writer intends on sending the letter via email. PDF will ensure that the letter is safe from malware. It also helps the foundation sign the letter digitally if it wishes to do so. Sending the cover letter in PDF will also lead the funder to perceive that the organization is competent.

    Write the cover letter last

    The cover letter should be written last because it helps the organization reflect on achievements such as completing the fund request. It also ensures that the writers provide information from a knowledgeable perspective. The writer also ensures that the cover letter is more engaging than the other documents attached to it.


    Following are the don’ts for writing a grant proposal cover letter:

    Don’t repeat the information in the proposal

    The grant proposal cover letter should not be a repetition of the information contained in the proposal. Its main purpose is for the funder to get to know more about the organization and its project. It is a tool that can persuade the funder to provide the organization with the grant.

    Don’t use big words

    The writer of a grant proposal cover letter should avoid using complex words that the funder may not understand. The use of complex words could be counterproductive and jeopardize the organization’s chances of receiving the grant. Instead, the writer should only focus on pleading the organization’s case before the funder.

    Don’t make grammatical mistakes

    The writers should proofread the grant proposal cover letter upon completion. No grammatical mistakes should be present in the document. The presence of grammatical errors may lead to the organization being perceived as unprofessional and lazy.

    Key Takeaways

    • A grant proposal cover letter effectively provides information about an organization’s grant proposal and shows its commitment to the project suggested to the funder.
    • The letter can achieve its effectiveness by providing clear, concise information about the project.
    • The organization must ensure that it mentions certain aspects of the project, like its potential beneficiaries.
    • The tone of the letter should be professional.

    About This Article

    Authored by:
    Executive Resume & Cover Letter Writing, CVs, Essays
    Geoffrey Scott, a seasoned professional since 2004, is renowned for his expertise in resume writing, and has been guiding individuals as a Career Counselor since 2006. His unique insight into the hiring process stems from his background in HR Management. With close ties to recruiters and hiring managers, Geoffrey has unparalleled knowledge about what makes a candidate stand out. He specializes in mid-career to C-suite level profiles, ensuring each resume highlights leadership, tools, and results. Additionally, he offers extensive expertise in rewriting academic CVs.

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