Landlords want to lease their premises to persons they can trust. They do not want to harbor thieves, drug lords, prostitutes, and other persons with deviant social behaviors. Also, they want to be sure that the person whom they lease their premises is likely to remit the dues consistently. Here is where the rent or landlord verification form comes in.
Verification of Rent by Landlord Form is a form that a landlord asks the prospective tent to get filled by the current or previous landlord.
The requesting landlord can also send the form directly to the current or previous landlord. The purpose of filling the Form is to dig deeper into the rental history of this would-be tenant and is sent to a past landlord for verification.
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Purpose of the Rent (Landlord) Verification Form
This Form Is Absolutely Necessary Due To The Following Reasons:
The forms enable a landlord to learn more about a tenant. It gives all the details about a tenant at a glance, like the payment history, past landlords, occupation, and overall reliability. These vital pieces of information aid a landlord in ascertaining whether or not to give the tenant a chance.
Make informed Decisions
By getting to know just about everything that a landlord ought to know about the tenant, he gets to make more informed decisions. He only leases his premise to that person who would most likely honor the rental obligations and behave well when on his premises.
Prevent Defaults
By far, the most significant worry that a landlord normally has is the failure by the tenant to remit the rental dues in time. As such, a shrewd landlord will do whatever he can to prevent defaults. This verification form comes in to fulfill that very need.
Ward off unnecessary Issues
Apart from defaults, tenants can also bring about other issues while occupying their landlordโs premises. A landlord will want to find out the occupation of his tenant to ascertain whether or not he is more likely to engage in drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, and other undesirable trades.
Comply with Statutory Obligations
Some jurisdictions often require that the would-be tenants fill these forms prior to their acceptance and entry into the premises, which they seek to rent. It hence goes that the use of these forms is mandatory and can never be avoided at all costs. That is not when you want to be in good books with the state.
How to Fill a Rent (Landlord) Verification Form
How a potential tenant drafts this Form has the ability to make or break the situation. That is because many landlords are often reluctant to lease out their premises to persons whom they are not sure about.
To be able to do a great job, you have to follow the right steps and incorporate the necessary pieces of information. Here below are some of the details and information you have to incorporate:
Step I: Download the most relevant form
These forms vary from state to state and sometimes city to city. It is necessary hence that you find out and download the Form that is relevant to the precise city or state wherein you live. In case your jurisdiction does not impose any restriction, simply use a standard form template.
Step II: Present the form to the would-be tenant
Next, present the Form to the would-be tenant. This may be done by hand, but it is best presented by way of courier or certified mail. That is because it is a lot easier for you to keep track and prove that the letter indeed reached the targeted person. Be sure to make follow-ups to confirm whether indeed the letter reached the targeted person. The tenant will, in turn, fill the form appropriately.
Step III: Verify the pieces of information
After receiving the Form back from the would-be tenant, you now have to verify that the pieces of information contained therein are accurate and a true reflection of what the would-be tenant claims to be the case. This is a task that you will naturally carry out in various ways and means. They include:
- Making calls to the past landlords
- Consulting with the present employer regarding the employment status of the would-be tenant
- Demanding receipts of the last three months
- Heading to the rental tribunal for confidential information
- Asking for a face-to-face interview with the tenant
Step IV: Sign, stamp, and date the form
Upon verifying that every piece of information is true and to the point, you now have to sign, stamp, and date the letter to vouch for the validity of the credentials contained therein. Thereafter, go ahead now to grant or deny the would-be tenant the space he is seeking.
What is Included?
A Typical Rent (Landlord) Verification Form Ought To Comprise The Following Pieces Of Information:
- Name of The Applicant: The Form has to contain a blank space for the name of the applicant to be inserted. This is the person who is seeking a space to rent from the landlord.
- Name of Past Landlord: It is in this blank space that you encase the name of the past landlord. Following this is the contact detail of the landlord and the physical address of the residential property at hand.
- Contact Details of the Would-be Tenant: Also contained in this Form are the contact details of the would-be tenant. These are the ways and means via which you may access the tenant if and when need be.
- Payment History: The payment history is by far the most critical metric of all. It is this one that is relied on by many landlords to determine whether or not the would-be tenant is fit for rental or not.
- Relevant Signatures: Needless to say, the Form has to comprise blank spaces in which the relevant signatures of the landlord and the tenant are placed after the details furnished above are filled.
Rent (Landlord) Verification Form Format
Is this applicant(s) still renting from you? [] Yes [] No
If yes, is the applicant up to date with all the rental payments? [] Yes [] No
Has the applicant ever defaulted the rent payment over the last 12 months? [] Yes [] No, If yes, how many times? ___ (please specify)
Has the applicant ever delayed remitting the dues for 30 days or more? [] Yes [] No
Does the applicant own any pets? [] Yes [] No
If yes, how many and what are the sizes? _________________
Have you had to issue a notice to the applicant at any point in the last 12 months? [] Yes [] No
Things to Keep in Mind
There are three important things you have to keep in mind while filling a rental (landlord) verification form.
These are:
You have to be very transparent with the details you showcase in the Form. These details have to be verifiable and found to be true at all times. The failure to observe this cardinal rule will surely disparage your chances of ever getting the slot you so desperately yearn for.
To boost your chances of getting the approval, you have to observe some promptness while filling the Form. Do not take a too long duration of time as that might hurt you along the way. Ideally, this is something you ought to turn around within 24 hours or so.
Apart from being transparent and verifiable, the pieces of information you fill in the Form have to be detailed and exhaustive. You do not want to leave any behind as that might create some gaps that may impede the understanding of the Form and its subsequent use.
Things to Avoid
Just Like You Have To Incorporate Some Vital Pieces Of Information; Similarly, There Are Things You Have To Avoid At All Costs.
These Are:
- Half-truths and Exaggerations: Avoid furnishing half-truths and exaggerations. The details you showcase have to be whole, complete, and to the point. That is the only guarantee that your application will not only sail through successfully but that you will also be on the safe side of the issues.
- Scanty Details: Avoid placing scanty details on the Form. On the contrary, every piece of information you put in has to be extremely detailed and to the point. This, again, is necessary to eliminate the gaps and the inaccuracies that come along when interpreting the contents of the Form.
The Tone of the Rent (Landlord) Verification Form
Being a formal document, the tone of the Form has to be formal and official. Avoid using slang or any other unofficial language that is bound to compromise the chances of the Form being taken and treated with the seriousness it deserves.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do these to make your rental application to stand out:
โข Make a thorough and comprehensive search before embarking on a lease
โข Provide verifiable references
โข Accompany your application with your resume
โข Treat the inspection exercise as an interview
In many cases, landlords will often go as far back as seven years from the time you seek the rental space backward. That is sufficiently large to be able to come up with all the vital pieces of information that may give an accurate picture of the ability of the tenant to honor his rental obligations.
Not necessarily! Not unless it is demanded by the landlord or jurisdiction wherein the rental facility you are interested in is located. That means you have to find out whether this is required before submitting the form back to the landlord.
We bring an end to our look into the Rent (Landlord) Verification Form there. Having done that, we now ask you to implement the insights we have generously furnished. When are you planning to verify the rentals of your would-be tenant? Let us hear from you!