Power of Attorney Wisconsin | 10 Types – Free Forms

A Power of Attorney in Wisconsin is a legal backing that allows a person (principal) to install a legal representative (attorney-in-charge) who will function on their behalf.

It comes in a wide array of functionality and usability in Wisconsin, when the principal can no longer make competent decisions due to unavoidable circumstances and, as such, requires a qualified agent to act on their behalf.

It is a legal document that allows residents of Wisconsin to appoint a legal agent/organization who will act on their behalf on matters relating to finance, business, and medical affairs.

The Wisconsin legislature designed it so that residents can edit and make changes to the document, citing explicit situations in which they want the legal agent to exercise their authority. Depending on the type, the assigned agent can be a relative, friend, or attorney-in-charge. This allows the principal to grant the agent total or partial authority regarding the principalโ€™s affairs.

Generally, residents of Wisconsin should consider opting for a POA as soon as they turn 18. This is because it comes in handy in a wide array of scenarios where the principal is absent or unable to make competent decisions.

Such scenarios include and are not limited to the following:

  • Moving into a care facility due to any form of incapacitation
  • Short-term or long-term travel plans
  • Dealing with old age and resulting health issues
  • Needing a trusted and qualified legal representative to handle sensitive matters in your absence

Regardless of the nature of the situation, you find yourself in, opting for a power of attorney in Wisconsin is very important, as it will save you from stress.

Free Forms

Free Wisconsin Power of Attorney Form 01 for Word Document

Free Wisconsin Power of Attorney Form 02 for Word Document

    Types of Power of Attorney in Wisconsin

    This article will look at nine different POA forms available in Wisconsin.

    These forms differ from each other in terms of their functionality and usability. The nature of the principalโ€™s circumstance will determine the form they require.

    The most common types are:

    Wisconsin Durable Power of Attorney

    Durable Statutory Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin General Power of Attorney

    General (Financial) Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Limited Power of Attorney

    Limited Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Minor Power of Attorney

    Minor (Child) Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Medical Power of Attorney

    Medical Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Real Estate Power of Attorney

    Real Estate Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Revocation of Power of Attorney

    Revocation of Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Tax Power of Attorney

    Tax Power of Attorney (Form A-222)

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Vehicle Power of Attorney

    Vehicle Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Wisconsin Springing Power of Attorney

    Springing Power of Attorney

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

      Governing Laws

      As with all other states in the United States, Wisconsin has specific laws that govern its POA. These laws include the signing requirements, age certification, definition of POA, statutory forms, and other notable information. The Uniform Power of Attorney for Finances and Property Act. present these laws and regulations.

      Wisconsin POA requirements

      State laws demand that for it to be valid in Wisconsin, the parties involved must agree, observing all protocols stated in the Uniform Power of Attorney Act.

      Consequently, the requirements for getting it include:

      • The principalโ€™s full name and signature
      • The agent(s) full name
      • The date both parties agreed upon
      • The running period of the POA
      • The specifics of the powers granted to the agent

      Another subsidiary may spring up depending on the peculiarity of the situation and the type of POA created. For example, the state may require that:

      • The principal or instructed individual must sign the POA in the presence of a notary public.
      • If the principal cannot sign the document themselves, they instruct someone to do so on their behalf. This person must sign the document in the presence of the principal.

      How to Get Power of Attorney in Wisconsin?

      Getting it in Wisconsin is quite simple. You can consult a conventional attorney to draft one for you. Having obtained the form, the principal and chosen agent must complete and sign the document while observing every mandatory state law.

      Wisconsin state laws demand that the principal be mentally competent when signing it. Nevertheless, if the principal is mentally incompetent, they will have to file for a conservatorship.

      These laws are set to ensure equity and fairness between both parties, thus, negating every room for cheating. The defaulting party will account for their actions and face the assigned punishment.

      How to Revoke a POA?

      For the most part, the principal can choose to dissolve any form at any point in time by simply filling out the Wisconsin Revocation of power of attorney form.

      Although this decision falls solely in the hands of the principal, it should only take place under circumstances that call for it.

      To revoke it, the principal must complete any of the following under state rules and regulations:

      • Creating a written document that terminates the POA
      • Creating another power of attorney that supersedes the previous one
      • Destroying the POA documents
      • Verbally revoking it

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do I need to hire an attorney for my Wisconsin POA?

      Hiring a conventional attorney boils down to a matter of choice. The form is relatively straightforward to understand. Thus, you can do without bringing in a lawyer. Additionally, no law states that you must hire an attorney before filling out the POA form.
      However, hiring a lawyer is good if you cannot grasp what to do. They will help review your document, but they will also answer all of your questions.

      How much does it cost to get a power of attorney form in Wisconsin?

      If you decide to seek professional assistance by hiring an attorney, you should be ready to spend between $200 and $500. The price differs across law firms, as well as the level of assistance you desire.

      What should I do after creating a Wisconsin power of attorney?

      Once you have successfully created it, the next step would be saving it for future purposes. That way, you can edit and make necessary changes.

      Does a power of attorney need to be notarized, witnessed, and recorded in Wisconsin?

      In Wisconsin, you donโ€™t need to have witnesses present or sign in the presence of a notary public. So as long as your power of attorney conforms to state laws, you should be good to go.
      Nonetheless, having witnesses present, signing in the presence of a notary public, or having both will go a long way in improving the credibility of your paperwork.
      As a rule of thumb, your elected witnesses should be adults (over the age of 18) and in no way related to your agent.

      About This Article

      Bryan Brown
      Authored by:
      Licensed Attorney - Asset Protection, Business Formation, Contract Drafting, Real Estate, Securities, Tax
      Bryan Brown is a seasoned attorney with a particular passion for empowering small businesses and startups. His comprehensive suite of services covers crucial areas like Asset Protection, enabling businesses to shield their pivotal assets, and Business Formation, guiding new enterprises through the foundational stages. Bryan's prowess in Contract Drafting ensures that businesses operate on robust agreements, while his insights into Real Estate, Securities, and Tax matters provide a holistic legal framework for clients. With a reputation for thoroughness and dedication, Bryan Brown stands as an invaluable asset for any business aiming to thrive in the Texas environment.

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