Free Golf Cart Bill of Sale Forms (Everything You Need To Know)

College campuses, resort grounds, and golf courses are spread across miles. It is therefore important that an efficient mode of transporting people and equipment is used. A golf cart or golf buggy is a small vehicle originally designed to carry golfers and equipment around a golf course. It can help ease movement over extensive grounds. When engaging in the sale or purchase of a golf cart, it is essential to consider the bill of sale

A Golf Cart Bill of Sale is an official document between the buyer and seller of a golf cart or golf buggy.

It sets out the names of the parties involved (buyer and seller), the price, and a detailed description of the golf cart. It helps ensure that the transaction between the buyer and the seller is legally captured in writing.

Golf Cart Bill of Sale Templates

Free Printable Golf Cart Bill of Sale Template 01 as Word Format

Free Printable Golf Cart Bill of Sale Template 02 as Word Format

    Why is it Important?

    A golf cart bill of sales acts as proof of a change of ownership. It can be used to register the golf cart if the buyerโ€™s state of residence does require a title to be issued. It can also be used to track the original owner of the golf cart if a reseller is engaging in the transaction. It helps to reassure a buyer that the reseller has the authority to transfer ownership of the cart. Buyers can contact the local police department to confirm that the golf cart is not stolen.

    It is a legally binding document; therefore, it can be used in a court of law to prove that liability related to the golf cart now falls on the buyer. Likewise, sellers can use the document to show that they are not liable for the damages to the golf cart after the sale. The details indicated in the bill of sale, therefore, helps to protect both the buyer and seller during and after the sale of the cart.

    Sale Contract v/s Bill of Sale

    The buyer and a seller of a golf cart should clearly understand the differences between a sale contract and a bill of sale. A significant difference is that a sale contract is used before the sale of an item, while a bill of sale is used during or after the transaction of an item takes place.

    A bill of sale mainly focuses on the exact item the buyer is receiving, whereas a sales contract mainly focuses on the terms that both parties agree on for the transaction to take place. It also promises that the seller has a valid title of the item and can initiate the transaction.

    It also enables a seller to provide a warranty for the item on sale and how it will perform in the future. The seller may also opt to state on the bill of sale that the item has been purchased โ€œas is.โ€


    Before a golf cart can be put up for sale, a seller begins by making any needed repairs on the cart. It should be cleaned to make it presentable for sale.

    The seller should also check the batteries and examine the tires to ensure that they work well. Finally, good quality pictures of the cart should be taken to be used for advertising it.

    How Can a Golf Cart be Sold?

    When selling a golf cart, sellers should consider the appropriate process to follow. The process will ensure that a suitable buyer is found. It will also help ease the process of initiating the sale. Sellers should also consider what is stipulated by state laws regarding the sale of a golf cart as the laws may affect how the transaction is carried out.

    The following process can help enable the successful sale of a golf cart:

    Repair the golf cart

    The seller should first carry out repairs on the golf cart to ensure it is fully functional. The golf cart should also be cleaned so that it would be presentable to potential buyers. Finally, sellers should ensure that they inspect the functionality as thoroughly as the buyers would. In this way, potential purchasers are not discouraged by discovering minor issues that may plague the golf cart.

    Advertise it

    Secondly, the seller should use social media networks for advertising the golf cart. Carrying out advertising helps open the sale to a larger group of potential buyers. The seller should also consider going on to popular websites where golf carts can be sold. Finally, for more subtle advertising, the seller should consider employing the help of family and friends to find a possible buyer for the cart.

    Meet with potential buyers

    Next, the seller should set up meetings with potential buyers. The seller should have in mind a ready negotiable price before meeting with potential purchasers. The price set will act as a base for the negotiations with the buyers. The negotiations will allow both the buyer and the seller to develop a mutually satisfactory purchasing price for the golf cart. Finally, the customers should be given a chance to inspect the cart to help them decide on whether to buy it.

    Fill in the golf cart bill of sale

    Finally, the seller should fill in all the details of the bill of sale once a buyer has been identified. The title and any other papers regarding the golf cart can only be transferred once the buyer has made payment. Upon transfer of ownership, the seller will be free of liability related to the golf cart.

    Key Elements of Golf Cart Bill of Sale

    A golf bill of sale should contain adequate information about the transaction. The information will help to ensure that each aspect of the transaction is included in the document. Writing clear specific information reduces the possibility of a dispute over the sale after it takes place.

    The following information should be included in a bill of sale:


    It should contain the date of sale. The date identified when the transaction took place. Sellers can use it to show when the transfer of ownership was complete in an event where the bill of sale is required, such as a court case.

    General details

    The general details of the parties involved in the transaction should be provided. The details help to ensure the parties involved in the transaction are identified. The police department can use them to track the ownership of the golf cart.

    The following information should be included in the general details of both the seller and buyer:

    • Names of seller and buyer: It should contain the names of both the buyer and the seller. In addition, the document should contain the full legal names of both parties. The names of the buyer and the seller help ensure that the document is specific on who was involved in the transaction.
    • Phone numbers, emails, and addresses of both: The buyer and seller should also provide their contact details, including phone numbers, emails, and addresses. Each partyโ€™s address should contain the street name, city, state, and zip code. The contact details ensure that both parties can be reached if a need arises.

    Agreed purchase price

    It should contain the total price that both parties have agreed on. If the golf cart is a gift or a partial gift, it should be indicated in the bill of sale. In addition, the reduced price of the partial gift should be indicated to ensure that the monetary value of the golf cart is provided.

    Description of the item

    The golf cart should be described in detail in the bill of sale. The description will ensure that the condition of the golf cart at the time of sale is provided. It will also ensure that the golf cart is identified.

    The following information should be highlighted in the description:

    • Model: The model is the name used to market the golf cart by the manufacturer. It can be used to attract buyers interested in a particular model. It can be found below the steering column area.
    • Electric/gas: It should identify if the golf cart is electric or gas. It will ensure that the seller is evident in the technical aspects of the cart. Indicating how a cart runs also ensures that the buyer is familiar with the fueling method necessary to run the cart.
    • Battery voltage: The seller should outline the number of electric potentials the cart holds. It will ensure that the quality of the battery at the time of sale is recorded. A good cart battery should be about 50 to 52 volts.
    • Year of manufacture: The year of manufacture should also be indicated in the bill of sale. This is because the price of the golf cart can be affected by its year of manufacture due to its age. It also ensures that authorities can track the cart back to its manufacturer if an issue arises.
    • Color: The color of the golf cart at the time of purchase should be indicated. It ensures that the cartโ€™s physical appearance is recorded. In addition, the color may affect the cartโ€™s resale value.
    • Identification number: The identification number acts as the golf cartโ€™s fingerprint. It helps to identify the specific golf cart involved in the sale. During the transaction, buyers should confirm that the golf cart contains an identification number.

    Payment details

    It should contain the specific payment details agreed on between the buyer and seller. The details will ensure that the number of payments made by the buyer is documented. It will also act as proof of how payment of the transaction took place.

    The following are payment options that the buyer and seller should consider:

    • One-time payment: A one-time payment refers to when the buyer makes a single payment to the seller. It helps ensure that there is no remaining debt between the two parties. It also speeds up the transaction by enabling the buyer to receive the golf cart the same day as the payment.
    • In installments: Installment payments refer to when the buyer makes the payments in small portions over a fixed period. It should outline the sum of the first deposit and the date when it is paid. It should also outline the date when the total amount will be expected.

    Form of payment

    It should identify the form of payment used by the buyer. Both the buyer and the seller must agree on an acceptable form of payment. Some sellers may request a form of payment that leaves a paper trail to help ease the ability to trace the sum.

    The following are forms of payment options that both parties should consider:

    • Cash: Cash payment is an immediate form of payment. However, it leaves no paper trail and hence is not easy to track. Furthermore, cash payments are not suitable when there is a large sum involved in the transaction of the golf cart.
    • Cheque: Cheque payments can be used when both parties agree on an installment plan for the payments. They can also be used when a large sum is involved in the transaction. However, check payment is a slower form of payment as the seller needs to wait for it to be processed by the bank first and deposited into an account.
    • Money order: Money order payments are a more trusted form than cheques. They are also more secure. Therefore, protects against loss or theft of the payment. Money orders also enable the transaction of large sums without the added cost of bank fees.

    Signatures of seller and buyer

    Both the buyer and seller must indicate their signatures on the bill of sale. The signatures prove that both parties agree that the details indicated in the bill of sale are accurate. The signatures can either be indicated by hand or electronically.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I need to register my golf cart?

    The registration of a golf cart will depend on the state in which it is being used. Some states do not require the registration of low-speed automobiles like the golf cart. Buyers should therefore consider state laws when purchasing or selling a golf cart.

    What needs to include in the bill of sale?

    The bill of sale should contain the names and contact details of both the buyer and the seller, the date of sale, a detailed description of the golf cart, its price, payment details, and the signatures of the involved parties. These details are crucial to enabling a successful transfer of ownership.

    Do sellers need a copy of the bill of sale too?

    Sellers should have a copy of the bill of also to protect themselves against false claims by buyers. The copy will help to prove that a seller is not liable for damage relating to the golf cart after the transfer of ownership. The copy can be presented to a court as proof of the sale.

    Do I need to have the bill of sale notarized?

    No, a bill of sale does not need to be notarized. However, notarizing a bill of sale adds another legal layer to the document by validating its authenticity. Both parties must be present during notarization.

    About This Article

    Authored by:
    Legal Writing | M.A Marketing, B.A. Finance
    Melissa Horton is a highly skilled legal writer and co-owner of a leading financial planning firm in Washington, D.C. With over a decade of experience in the financial services and planning industry, Melissa's expertise lies in teaching clients how to maintain sustainable financial health. She holds a JD degree and possesses a deep understanding of legal principles and regulations, enabling her to deliver exceptional legal writing that is both informative and accessible. Melissa's passion for helping individuals navigate complex legal matters shines through in her work, making her a trusted authority in the field of legal writing.

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