Free Tennessee (TN) Power of Attorney Forms

A power of attorney form for TN is a legal document that you can use to give someone else the authority to make decisions on your behalf.

You will be referred to as the principal, and the trusted individual to whom you are giving this kind of authority will be referred to as the agent.

The agent is legally allowed to make decisions in different situations such as financial and medical ones. As the principal, you can choose the rights and powers you want to give to your agent. Also, as the principal, you can determine the validity period of this form, which is usually for a limited time or a lifetime. The principal must make it valid by signing it under the Tennessee State Laws.

Free Forms

Great Printable Tennessee Durable Power of Attorney Template for Word File

Great Printable Tennessee Power of Attorney Template for Word File

    Types of Power of Attorney

    There are different types of Tennessee power of attorney forms that you can use based on your requirements.

    Some of the types of power of attorney forms TN include:

    Great Professional Tennessee Durable Power of Attorney Form as Word Document

    Durable Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Great Professional Tennessee General Power of Attorney Form as Word Document

    General Power of Attorneyย Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Great Professional Tennessee Limited Power of Attorney Form as Word Document

    Limited Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Great Professional Tennessee Medical Power of Attorney Form as Word Document

    Medical Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Great Professional Tennessee Minor Power of Attorney Form as Word Document

    Minor Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Professional Editable Tennessee Real Estate Power of Attorney Form as Word Format

    Real Estate Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Professional Editable Tennessee Revocation of Power of Attorney Form as Word Format

    Revocation of Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Professional Editable Tennessee Tax Power of Attorney Form as Word Format

    Tax Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Professional Editable Tennessee Vehicle Power of Attorney Form as Word Format

    Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

    Professional Editable Tennessee Springing Power of Attorney Form as Word Format

    Springing Power of Attorney Form

    Download: Microsoft Word (.docx)

      Governing Laws

      There are laws in Tennessee state that facilitate the preparation of this form, the content it will entail, and the kind of authority the form gives to the agent. These laws deal with both the  general and durable POA for TN.

      • In Tennessee, according to the durable POA, the agent retains the same authority as when the principal was not disabled or was competent.
      • According to this law, it is only valid if the principal stated in writing that they have appointed someone to act on their behalf and have bestowed them with authority to make decisions.
      • Also, the form should include the words, โ€œThis power of attorney shall not be affected by subsequent disability or incapacity of the principalโ€ or โ€œThis shall become effective upon the disability or incapacity of the principal.โ€ This will help establish the principalโ€™s intent when they prepare the form.
      • Tennessee state does not have specific laws concerning signing the form. Still, it has signing requirements for the health care POA and the durable POA for TN. In addition, there must be two witnesses for both forms during the signing process, and notarization should be done on the form.
      • In Tennessee state, there is no statutory form for it.
      • The statutory phrase has guidelines for specific powers that entail life-prolonging acts in Tennessee state. This includes any procedure from diagnosis, assessment to treating a disease, illness, or injury, including surgery, drugs, transfusions, mechanical ventilation, dialysis, CPR, artificial nourishment, hydration, or other nutrients and radiation.
      • According to state law, the durable POA for TN is revocable in five different ways. First, you can inform the attorney in writing or orally that you are revoking the authority. Second, you can inform the health caregiver either orally or in writing that you are revoking the authority. Third, you can implement the successive durable POA. Also, it is revocable after a divorce, especially if the spouse was the chosen agent. Finally, it is revocable if the principalโ€™s wishes are more than what the durable power of attorney form entails.
      • For this case, the document is effective only if it observes all the Tennessee State Laws regarding preparing this form.
      • If the physician is unwilling to follow the durable one, a prompt and orderly transfer of the principal from that particular physician is required.
      • The State Law TN guarantees that there will be no criminal, civil or professional liability for a physician who is acting in good faith.

      POA TN Requirements

      For it to be valid, there are requirements that the principal and agent must observe when preparing the form. Tennessee state requires that the form be in writing and should include the name and signature of the principal and the agent, the date of execution, and the details of authority or powers granted.

      Durable POA TN Requirements

      Its validity depends on specific law requirements and regulations. The form must include the required language, observe the relevant laws, including the presumed durable number, must be signed, notarized, and not require a statutory form.

      How to Fill Out the Power of Attorney TN Form?

      Some steps must be followed when filling it.

      Here are the steps to follow:

      Get the form

      To get the form, it is best that you, as the principal, access and download it. After that, you will need to set it up by filling out the form and then signing this document alongside your chosen agent.

      Designate an agent

      The principal must choose an agent; this is usually a person they trust to execute the authority on behalf of the principalโ€™s benefit. A principal must be careful about it as there are risks in giving an individual, such legal power.

      Grant authority

      The form usually has sections that outline the principalโ€™s authority to grant the agent. That means the principal should go over the form and select the sections they want to grant the legal agent power over. These include specific decisions ranging from operating businesses to taking a loan. In addition, the principal must include instructions about the particular actions the agent is allowed to perform and make decisions on their behalf.

      Ensure form durability

      After selecting an agent and granting them authority, the principal should make the form durable according to the laws of Tennessee state. This means that even if the principal becomes incapacitated or disabled, the agent can continue to act under a POA. Specific language must ensure that the form is durable.

      Sign and date the form

      The last step in preparing it is the signing and including a date. The principal and the agent must sign the form.

      Storage and Usage of POA in Tennessee

      For storage and usage of it in Tennessee state, there are steps that you should observe. First, it is essential to complete the paperwork before you can store it in a safe place. Ensure that, as the principal, you have given the agent a copy of a power of attorney for use. A copy of it can also be given to a family member, trusted friend, and a third party such as a bank or landlord.

      Signing on behalf of the principal

      An agent can now use a copy of the form to make legal decisions on your behalf as the principal. The agent will sign on your behalf in the following way:


      Principalโ€™s name]
      by [agentโ€™s name]
      Power of attorney

      You must contact the place where the form will be used to prove that you are the principal, and that is your agent by providing an ID.

      Revoking a durable POA

      To revoke it, you can do it at any time by filling out and signing the revocation of power of attorney form. However, in case the principal is incapacitated, they cannot revoke the durable form. In this case, a chosen third party can override it in case of negligence abuse.

      Bottom Line

      Whether it is a power of attorney or durable POA for TN, ensure that you observe all the Tennessee state laws and regulations while preparing them as the principal. This way, the form becomes valid, and the agent can use it for your benefit. As the principal, you need to choose an agent you trust before granting them the authority to make legal decisions for you. The governing laws of Tennessee state regarding this form can help to guide you when it comes to preparing, storing, and using it.

      About This Article

      Authored by:
      Legal Writing | M.A Marketing, B.A. Finance
      Melissa Horton is a highly skilled legal writer and co-owner of a leading financial planning firm in Washington, D.C. With over a decade of experience in the financial services and planning industry, Melissa's expertise lies in teaching clients how to maintain sustainable financial health. She holds a JD degree and possesses a deep understanding of legal principles and regulations, enabling her to deliver exceptional legal writing that is both informative and accessible. Melissa's passion for helping individuals navigate complex legal matters shines through in her work, making her a trusted authority in the field of legal writing.

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