22 Free Itemized Receipt Templates

An Itemized Receipt is a document that a seller (or payee) issues to a buyer (or payer) as proof of payment and goods bought.

The document contains a list of all the items bought and details any one-off charges that the buyer is paying for, the number of units bought, and a rundown of any applicable discounts or taxes. Any seller (grocery stores, bookshops, restaurants, etc.) can use a receipt.

A seller issues the receipt to a buyer to finalize the purchase at the end of a purchase process. It is used as proof that the seller has received payment from the buyer for the listed items, and consequently, the buyer has become their legitimate owner. The sales and purchase scenario can be business to business (B2B) or business to customer (B2C). In addition, these are useful as evidence for both parties in the resolution of a dispute or disagreement regarding a sale.


It is a document with a predesigned format that a seller can use as a guide when creating a personalized itemized receipt for his or her business. It is particularly useful for sellers that sell multiple items, making it easy to specify payment details of all items bought on a single document.

Given below are various templates:

Great Itemized Receipt Template 01 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 02 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 03 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 04 for Word Document

Great Itemized Invoice Template for Word format

Great Itemized Receipt Template 05 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 06 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 07 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 08 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 09 for Word Document

Great Itemized Receipt Template 10 for Word format

Great Itemized Sales Receipt Template for Word format

    How to Make the Receipt

    There are specific details unique to various businesses which determine the makeup of receipts that these businesses issue. These receipts feature a number of details that may vary from business to business. However, some details are generally present on all receipts. Such details include sellerโ€™s and buyerโ€™s information, transaction details, date, amount of payment made, etc. A seller looking to make it can find information on each required component below.

    Include transaction details

    It should feature a receipt number and the date of issue. These details are very useful in tracking and identifying individual receipts when the need arises.

    Itemized Receipt Template Process 01

    Add merchantโ€™s/payeeโ€™s  information

    An important piece of information a seller should include on the receipt is the sellerโ€™s information. This information attaches the receipt to the seller and proves that the receipt originated from the sellerโ€™s establishment. The seller information includes the sellerโ€™s name, complete address, email address, and contact number.

    Itemized Receipt Template Process 02

    Add payerโ€™s information

    The seller should add a section to collect the payerโ€™s information, including the payerโ€™s name (or company name), contact number, and address. If a person or business is making payment for another person or business, the receipt should have the names of the two parties. The reason for this information is to correctly identify the buyer and confirm the authenticity of a claim in a future purchase dispute.

    Itemized Receipt Template Process 03

    Provide a list

    It includes the following:

    • Description: When making a template, the seller should include a section describing the goods or services involved in the transaction. Each of these goods or services should be listed on separate lines.
    • Quantity: The seller should indicate the number of items purchased right next to the description. Having this detail on the itemized receipt helps to calculate the total cost of a particular item purchased, and it helps the seller keep track of his or her inventory.
    • Price/unit: This section indicates the cost per unit of a particular item on the receipt.
    • Line total: This is the total cost of each item on the receipt, and the value is gotten by multiplying the price per unit of an item by its quantity purchased.
    DescriptionQuantityPrice/UnitLine Total
    Laptop battery2$48.00$96.00
    Mouse pad3$7.50$22.50
    B&O Headphones1$350.00$350.00
    Power cable2$5.00$10.00

    Subtotal for products/services used

    This section is the sum of all the line totals, i.e., the total cost of all purchased items before the seller applies any discounts or taxes.

    Taxes and other fees

    It includes the following:

    • Discount: The seller should use this section to detail any discount afforded to the buyer. Discounts can be given for any reason determined by the seller.
    • Sales tax: This section details the amount a buyer is required to pay as tax for the transaction.

    Final total

    There should be a section called โ€œFinal Total,โ€ which is the total amount payable by the buyer. This final amount is gotten after the seller has applied the discount and sales tax to the subtotal.

    Amount paid

    Amount paid by a buyer can sometimes be different from the Final Total specified on the receipt. This may be due to a purchase made on a credit or an outstanding amount owed by one of the parties. For this reason, the seller should make a section available that specifies the amount paid by the buyer.

    Payment method

    Payment method can vary per buyer, and the seller has to specify this detail. Payment methods include cash payment, bank transfer, credit card, check, PayPal, etc., or a combination of any of these. Specifying a payment method will help the seller in the long run to keep track of their revenue sources.

    Shipping charges, if any

    If the transaction requires the seller to deliver the purchased items to the buyer, the seller should specify the delivery cost in the receipt.

    Related: Payment Receipt Templates

    Free Downloads

    Great Itemized Receipt Template 11 for Word File

    Great Itemized Receipt Template 12 for Word File
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 13 for Word Document
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 14 for Word Document
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 15 for Word Document
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 16 for Word Document
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 17 for Word Document
      Printable Itemized Receipt Template 18 for Word Document
      Printable Sales Receipt Template 01 for Word Document
      Printable Sales Receipt Template 02 for Word Document

        Difference Between an Invoice and Receipt

        1. An invoice is a document that is used to request for payment while a receipt is a document that is used to prove a transaction and payment for goods and services has been done.
        2. Ordinarily, an invoice is issued before a transaction, while a receipt is issued after the transaction is complete.
        3. An invoice is a vital document that is used in tracking goods and services while a receipt acts as a confirmation for payment.
        4. An invoice indicates the amount due while a receipt records the total amount paid for the goods or services.

        Final Thoughts

        It is proof that a seller has received payment from a buyer for a set of items and that they now legitimately belong to the buyer. This document can serve as significant evidence in a dispute that arises from the transaction. A seller looking to use it in their business should ensure that all the essential components are present in the document. A missing component can be detrimental to the seller if a dispute occurs concerning the transaction. To ensure this does not happen, sellers should consider using the templates provided on this page.

        About This Article

        Authored by:
        Business Law, Tax Content, Business Startup Issues, Accounting, Finance
        With an MBA and Ph.D., Jean Murray stands as a luminary in business law and tax content, dedicating over a decade to the niche. Her academic journey spans over 35 years, teaching at esteemed business and professional schools. Notably, she served as an associate professor at Palmer College of Chiropractic between 1995 and 2009, imparting knowledge on accounting, business law, finance, and the nuances of business startups. Beyond academia, Jean's entrepreneurial spirit shone through as she helmed Emence Enterprises, LLC for 15 years, penning insightful articles on business startup challenges and publishing comprehensive startup guides for professionals. Her blend of academic and entrepreneurial expertise positions her as a trusted authority in the business sphere.

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